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converting dates
Converting dates
from calendar date to Julian day
Julian day: jdn
day of the week: day of the week
dag of the year (day number): day of the year
Easter date for the entered year: Easter date
from Julian day to calendar date
day with fraction day with fraction
day day
month month
year year
hour(s) hours
minute(s) minutes
second(s) seconds
from day number and year to calendar date
day: day
month: month
year: year
from Gregorian (or Julian) calendar to Muslim calendar
equivalent Julian day: jdag
equivalent Julian month: jmaand
equivalent Julian year: jjaar
day: day
month: month
A.H.: A.H.
from Muslim calendar to Gregorian (or Julian) calendar
day: day
month: month
year: year
determine Pesach (15 Nisan) in the Gregorian (or Julian) calendar
day: day
month: month
Jewish or Hebrew year: year
# months in this Jewish (Hebrew) year: numberofmonths
add 163 days to know the beginning of the next Jewish year (1 Tishri)